“I am extremely fortunate in that I enjoy very good health, both physically and mentally, having no health conditions to worry about. However, during the last two and a half years, (probably along with many people) lockdown was an excuse to get into ‘comfy’ clothes, sit and watch Netflix whilst of course, eating chocolate. Before I knew it, my comfy clothes became not quite so comfy, and reaching the top of the stairs became more of an effort. I’d gained weight, lost energy and got in that “I must do something” mood but just couldn’t get motivated. I became completely fed up with myself because I’d just slipped into the mindset of always going to get a grip tomorrow. And tomorrow became tomorrow and tomorrow…. On one of the tomorrows, when I was completely frustrated and fed up with myself, and feeling unusually low, I happened to see the ‘Get Active Coaching’ Facebook post offering a free 6-week online coaching programme. I’m not an avid Facebooker but it was almost like I was meant to see the post, and hopefully make a start on becoming fitter. Fortunately, I contacted GAC and was happily accepted onto the programme”.
“I’m not overly obsessed with weight, but I did want to get back in some sort of shape so that I could zip up my jeans without a struggle, move about without getting short of breath, increase my energy levels, and stop feeling so fed up with myself”!
“Once I sent across the ‘Lifestyle Questionnaire’ I was worried I wouldn’t be accepted, I’d decided that I had to do something. I didn’t have any reservations when I met with Martin over Zoom, because I felt I could be honest, open and realistic. I felt that he listened, and ‘got me’ in terms of what I wanted to get out of the sessions, and how to motivate and get the best effort from me. This might sound daft, but I thought he seemed very kind and patient, and I sensed he had a passion to help people achieve their goals. I was right”!
“The sessions that were devised have been great. Bursts of different exercises are, for me, the best way to get results. The physical benefits have been multiple. Firstly, I have deflated my spare tyre (although not completely flat but I have lost over 4lbs of weight over the last 10 weeks), I can go up and down my stairs without being breathless, I have more energy and I sleep better. I just feel fitter and I’m keen to keep up the exercise-make time and build it in to my weekly routine. The mental benefits have followed on from the physical ones. I was getting upset with myself because I felt lazy, demotivated -and even ashamed of myself for letting my fitness go to pot when I am blessed with good health when some people struggle. Because I sleep better, I feel more positive in outlook. Because I feel better physically, I get out and walk more which is great for my well-being – especially this time of year. Very uplifting”!
“When we first spoke, I said I wasn’t good at taking on huge /long tasks. I am better when things are broken down into manageable chunks. The way the programme was devised has been very helpful in that each session is varied, often against time – EMOM, HIIT and I enjoy that approach. If faced with doing one task for too long, I immediately tell myself I can’t do it and my mind shuts down. So best to have the variation and the time factors! Your coaching is always encouraging and motivating. You haven’t given in to my moaning about sit ups, push-ups and flutter kicks! Instead, you’ve included them and challenged me -and offered alternatives. I have, at times, been stuck on the floor thinking I’ll never get up, but I have…. Because you’ve made me want to keep trying! It is fair to say that after the free 6-week prorgramme finished, I gladly signed up for another 12 weeks! I have seen results in shape, strength, energy and weight loss! Yay!! I like the process of online as I can fit the sessions in when I can and send feedback at the end of the week. Although it is online, I know I can contact you if I have problems -and that’s reassuring. P.S I also enjoy the free weekly newsletters targeting different topics. I think they are encouraging”. Vera was one of the very first members to join my new Online Coaching programme. I ran a free 6-week programme to gauge the interest and also to test out how I could offer sessions where I did not need ot be there but still offer the same supportive, professional and personalised service (I was terrified haha!). But over the last 6 months I have had the privilege of now working with different people using my Online Coaching and Vera’s story is just one that I am sure many people can resonate with. We still currently work together, and she is growing stronger, fitter and healthier each session and I think the biggest victory for Vera is creating a routine. As she highlighted, with online coaching, having the freedom to fit her workouts around her life makes it work for her and takes the stress of having to worry about specific times, specific locations etc. If you want to find out what Online Coaching Packages I offer or want to find out more about how I can help you become stronger, fitter and healthier then reach out! coachgetactive@gmail.com 🙂 Martin Your Local Health and Fitness Coach |